Below you will find a list of questions that we hope will help make your first visit to Cornerstone as comfortable as possible.
What should I expect during your worship service?
Our service would be considered “traditional” by most. We begin our time together with hymns, the public reading of Scripture, and corporate prayer, followed with the preaching of God’s Word. The sermon is usually around 50-55 minutes, and the entire service will usually last around 1 hour and 30 minutes. Our congregation is growing, but small. We started our plant with three families (approx. 10 people) in the fall of 2012, and as of early 2025 we have about twenty-eight families (approx. 100-110 people) attending consistently.
What is your worship music like?
We currently sing mostly traditional hymns and a few contemporary hymns accompanied by a piano. Our desire is to eventually find a worship leader who could help us transition to a more blended style of worship (a solid mixture of both traditional and contemporary worship music).
What should I wear?
God desires those who worship Him to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24). Therefore, while we should strive to honor God in all things as we come to worship Him, wear whatever will best help you devote your attention to the glory of God. Our congregation comes dressed in anything from ties to blue jeans.
Is childcare provided?
Yes. A nursery for children up to four years old is available during the service. We also have a "well-child cry room" that parents can take their children to if they need to move around for a little bit during the service. The sermon is transmitted into the cry room so that parents can still listen to the message while watching their young ones.
Where do you meet?
Cornerstone currently meets in the fellowship hall of First Presbyterian Church in Carthage. The fellowship hall is located in the basement of the educational wing, which is attached to the north side of the church. The entrance to the fellowship hall is located on the west side of the building . Elevator access is also available on the east side of the church (access from north parking lot). Click here for directions.
Where should I park? Will I have trouble finding a parking space?
Parking is available on the north side of the building. There is usually some street parking available directly in front of the church, as well. You should never have trouble finding a spot nearby.