This Sunday @ Cornerstone: October 29, 2023

This week's bulletin is online here. Jesus once said, "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master." (Matt. 10:24-25a) It's an important principle for the Christian to keep in mind, and perhaps most especially as they consider the mission He has called them to perform in the world. In Christ, we not only see the supreme revelation of the glory of God, but also an example to follow. In other words, Christ doesn't just tells us to proclaim His glory. He also models for us what that looks like - how to perform this mission He's sent us on. With that being the case, what does His example teach us? That's a question Ryan will explore this Sunday in part two of a two-part message from John 4:27-45 entitled, "Reaping the Harvest."

You can listen to this Sunday's worship set here.

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