UPDATE: January 5 Services

Cornerstone Family,

With the shifting forecast, we’ve decided to CANCEL today’s worship service and corporate fellowship. Sunday school and prayer is still on for those who’d like to be there. Typically, we might not cancel under these circumstances (we’d choose to just postpone corporate fellowship and let everyone who feels like showing up show up), but with this being an installation service, a) we really want people to be able to be there and b) we don’t want to force are volunteers/participants to be there if they’re not comfortable driving out at the end of the service. So we will have BOTH the installation service AND corporate fellowship NEXT WEEK.

In Christ,

Ryan Joki
Teaching Elder
Cornerstone Baptist Church

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” – 1 Timothy 1:5

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